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The final playoffs for SERI-A Bologna vs Pescara 05/06/2015

By OwnerMan  |  9:47 AM No comments

The essential leage completed 1-0 to Pescara, which suggested the Delfini had three concentrates in this littler than normal relationship of two redirections.

Vicenza would need to win and if they were all level on target complexity, they'd encounter as the side that finished higher in the typical season.

The Pescara procures the last for advancement to Serie A by taking out the Vicenza , toward the end of a throbbing match , completed 1-2and balanced until 98 "

Bologna TEAM :F. Coppola,D. Maietta,A. Masina,M. Oikonomou,Matuzalém,L. Ceccarelli ,M. Büchel,K. Laribi,G. Sansone, F. Casarini, D. Cacia
Pescara TEAM:  V. Fiorillo,A. Rossi ,R. Pucino , B. Salamon ,B. Bjarnason,M. Fornasier,M. Politano,L. Memushaj,R. Selasi,C. Pasquato F. Melchiorri

Vicenza drew level on the stroke of half-time because of a heavenly Federico Moretti solo run, spilling the separation from midfield to score.
Birkir Bjarnason was in the Pescara squad last time they were in Serie An and he added to moving back there by motioning in a Matteo Politano cross.

It's a grand story considering Coach Massimo Oddo was simply chosen before the last round of the Serie B standard season.

Either Pescara or Bologna will be in the top flight next term close by formally propelled Carpi and Frosinone.

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